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Detailed introduction of optical fiber communication and optical fiber products

Time:2022-02-24 Views:

Now that we are no longer unfamiliar with optical fiber communication, what are its advantages? Optical fiber products include optical fiber jumpers, optical fiber adapters, optical fiber optical cables, etc. The advantages of optical fiber communication mainly lie in large transmission capacity and good confidentiality. Let's take a look at the detailed knowledge of optical fiber communication.

Components of Optical Fiber Communication

The most basic optical fiber communication system consists of optical transmitters, optical receivers, optical fiber lines, repeaters and passive devices. The optical transmitter is responsible for converting the signal into an optical signal suitable for transmission on the optical fiber, the optical fiber line is responsible for transmitting the signal, and the optical receiver is responsible for receiving the optical signal, extracting information from it, and then converting it into an electrical signal, and finally getting the corresponding voice, image, data and other information.

Optical Transmitter: It is composed of light source, driver and modulator, which realizes electrical/optical conversion. Its function is to modulate the light wave emitted by the light source with the electrical signal from the electrical terminal to become a modulated light wave, and then couple the modulated light signal to the optical fiber or optical cable for transmission.

Optical fiber line: Its function is to couple the modulated light signal sent by the sender end to the optical detector at the receiver end after long-distance transmission by optical fiber or cable to complete the task of transmitting information.

Repeater: It consists of a photodetector, a light source and a decision regeneration circuit. It has two functions: one is to compensate the attenuation of the optical signal when it is transmitted in the optical fiber; the other is to approximate the waveform distortion of the pulse.

Passive components: including optical fiber connectors, couplers, etc., to complete the connection between optical fibers, the connection and coupling between optical fibers and optical transceivers.

Detailed explanation of the principle of optical fiber communication

The principle of optical fiber communication is: at the transmitting end, the transmitted information (such as voice) is first converted into an electrical signal, and then modulated onto the laser beam emitted by the laser, so that the intensity of the light changes with the amplitude (frequency) of the electrical signal. It is transmitted through the optical fiber through the principle of total reflection of light; at the receiving end, the detector converts the optical signal into an electrical signal after receiving it, and restores the original information after demodulation.

Optical communication uses the principle of total reflection. When the injection angle of light satisfies certain conditions, the light can form total reflection in the fiber, so as to achieve the purpose of long-distance transmission. The light-guiding properties of optical fibers are based on the total reflection of light rays at the interface between the core and the cladding, so that the light is confined to the core. There are two types of light in the fiber, namely meridional light and oblique light.

After the introduction of the principle of optical fiber communication, it will be easier to use optical communication after we understand it. It can also be seen from here that it is impossible for us to truly master optical fiber communication in a short time, so we need to cycle and gradually, I believe we will be able to successful.