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How to correctly identify 5 types of non -shielding twisted wires

Time:2023-02-21 Views:

The quality of the twisted line quality is one of the key factors that determine the width of the local area network. Some manufacturers are wrapped in the line pairs of 3 or 4 UTPs in the five types of UTP cables. This fake method is difficult to distinguish for ordinary users.

This so -called "five types of UTP" cannot reach 100Mbps data transmission rate, the maximum is 10Mbps or 16Mbps. A simple way of identifying is to connect two 100Mbps devices (network cards to network cards or network cards to HUB) with a twisted line, and use Windows95/98 Monitor detection tools to monitor its data transmission rate.

The method is: ① Select "Start → Program → Annex → System Tools → System Monitor", which will appear a "System Monitor" window. If there is no "system monitor" tool in "System Tools", it can be established through "My Computer → Add/Delete Program → Windows Installation Program → System Tools → System Monitor".

② Set monitoring objects in the "System Monitor" window. Select the "Added Project" option in the "Edit" menu, select "Microsoft Network Server" or "Microsoft Network Customer" in the "Category" list of the dialog box that appears In a dialog box, select "Writing by bytes/seconds" or "The number of bytes read/second read".

As for the selection of "Microsoft Network Server" or "Microsoft Network Customer", it is still "the number of bytes written in the write" or "the number of bytes read/second read". The data should be equal to the data received by another node.

③ Set the output method of test data. The system provides three output methods: line diagram, bar chart, and number chart, which can be selected by the button in the window toolbar. ④ Test.

The most effective way is to copy a large number of files from the workstation where the server tests (for the accuracy of the test, the copied content must be enough). Generally speaking, the peak value of the display is above 4m/s, which is basically sure that the five types of network cables are definitely (the peak value that can be achieved by the 3 lines is about 2.5m/s).