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4 common problems to be avoided in building network wiring

Time:2022-12-20 Views:

Be careful when wiring the house network. This is a very complicated and tedious thing. If it is not done well, the later use will cause various problems, and it will be troublesome to troubleshoot the problems. Some inexperienced wiring personnel, even electricians, give consideration to the wiring work, which will lead to many hidden dangers in the circuit. The following 8 problems are the most common ones in cabling:

1、 Voice and data services use different lines

Considering the cost, many companies used to use different specifications and types of network cables in voice and data services. Since the voice service does not have very high requirements for the line status, as long as a single wire is used, the standard can be reached. Therefore, providing a cheaper line for the voice service can ensure that the data line gets a larger part of the budget.

Up to now, although the cost of generic cabling is still a large expenditure, the largest expenditure has become the cost of human resources, and the line itself no longer accounts for the highest investment share. In addition, with the popularization of voice phone technology, voice business has become a project where data needs rely on data level network cable support in many environments. In fact, if the company does have this demand, as long as it chooses the appropriate voice phone equipment, it can use the existing data lines and the Ethernet switch built in the voice phone equipment to meet the corresponding requirements, so as to avoid the waste of money caused by repeated wiring.

In a word, before the work starts, we can't simply assume that voice service can only be satisfied by using the old Type 3 cable. If you need to deploy a separate line for the phone, you should ensure that its performance can reach the level of supporting data lines.

2、 The network cable and the "jamming" device are in the same area

In the real environment, it is not only wires that can interfere with data lines. Fluorescent lamps, motors for lighting and related equipment that can generate electric field or magnetic field interference can have a serious impact on network cable transmission data. Therefore, when wiring, we need to ensure that the line is far away from the area where these interference sources are located.

3、 No forward-looking planning for the overall network

At present, the gigabit network has begun to be popular, but many companies need to continue to use the 100M to desktop network connection. For example, some companies need to move to a new office location, which requires the redeployment of network lines. At this time, we should adopt the traditional network cable technology that can meet the current application, or choose a new network cable technology that can be continuously upgraded in the next few years. It should be noted that the human resource cost is the most expensive part in the project operation process. Although it seems unreasonable to choose a more advanced cabling scheme during the implementation of the actual project, we suggest that you should consider using products with better quality as far as possible. This will prevent your enterprise from being embarrassed when facing higher network demand for a long time. Therefore, to ensure that the network cabling technology used will not fall behind prematurely is also a problem that network cabling personnel must consider.