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Cabinet wiring

Time:2022-10-24 Views:

With the development of social informatization, the requirements of all walks of life for intelligentization are getting higher and higher, but the actual use of intelligent need information exchange and data transmission, cabinet wiring is accepted by more and more people. Experts believe that the early wiring only requires the function of satisfying data transmission and not many cables. How to carry out wiring is not valued by most people. Today, the intelligentization of the construction industry has continued to improve, and the demand for on -site signal collection is getting larger and larger, and there are more and more cables required to transmit data. At this time, the increasing problems of the cabinet wiring are highlighted. How to arrange a large number of cables more reasonable and beautiful has become the concern of the industry.


Industry people believe that the cabinet wiring is like the foundation of the building. In the early days of network construction, the wiring work is also very important. Only by doing the wiring work well can we lay a "foundation" for the normal operation of the network. Because the wiring is a hidden project, it must be reasonably planned in the early stages of the line and design. Only by establishing a solid foundation can we make the network building more firm, so that it can be more convenient for future maintenance. So what aspects need to be paid attention to during the wiring process? According to the discussion of the forum readers, I choose several cabinet wiring schemes that everyone is more recognized.


The wiring should be grabbed from the source, and the source of the cabinet must be clearly made. Most netizens believe that the wiring is both beautiful and powerful to detect the signal during the project acceptance, and it is also convenient for the investigation of the back -cable after problems.

The cabinet wiring has a taboo, that is, the wiring is messy. We must do a reasonable wiring and layer a clear level.


Netizens believe that the wiring is to arrange cables and place cables. When building smart buildings, you need to connect the signal lines such as network cables, telephone lines, cable TVs to each room for easy use, so you cannot casually make it when laying a cable. In the actual wiring, we must follow certain standards, and this standard is to follow the structured wiring. Only according to a certain "structured" to wiring can we minimize the incidence of network failure in the future work, and it can also speed up the speed of investigation of network problems.