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Care of network wiring construction

Time:2023-03-09 Views:

One: Leave enough network access point

Many times the construction personnel do not consider future upgrades during the structural wiring process. The number of network wiring interfaces is very limited. It is enough to use the current employee. If the new employee or company structure changes later, the above problems will occur. Therefore, it is necessary to leave a double network access point in advance when structural wiring.

As we all know, the development of the Internet is very fast. A few years ago, I was working hard to go to the desktop 10Mbps a few years ago. Now it is 100Mbps, or even 1000Mbps to the desktop. The expansion of the network requires us to pay attention. No one wants to renovate and expand the wiring system in just 2-3 years. Therefore, it is very important to leave the surplus access point, so as to meet the needs of future upgrades.

Two: anti -magnetic

Why can the electromagnetic equipment interfere with the speed of the network transmission? Because the electrical signal is walking in the network cable, and the magnetic field will generate a magnetic field near the high -power electrical appliances. The signal is weakened or lost.

It should be noted that in addition to avoiding interference, in addition to avoiding the source of interference, the connection method of the network cable joint is also crucial. Whether it is to use 568A or 568B standards to make network cables, it is necessary to ensure that 1 and 2, 3 and 6 are two pairs. Core wire, so as to have strong anti -interference ability. When structural wiring, we must design the route of the network cable in advance to stay away from the sources of interference from large radiation equipment and large interference.

Three: heat dissipation

In high temperature environments, the equipment is always faulty. Why is it like this? Readers who have used computers know that when the CPU fan is not cooling, the computer system often crashes or automatically restarts, and the network equipment is even more so. Too high temperature will damage them. Equipment heat dissipation work must be done, especially for core devices and servers, they need to be placed in a special computer room for management, and also requires air conditioning such as air conditioners.

Four: Hardware must be compatible

In terms of network device selection, try to use all network equipment to use a company's products, which can minimize the incompatibility between high -end and low -end or even different equipment in the same level. And do not choose the basic materials that have no quality assurance or small brands for dozens of dollars, such as jumping lines, panels, network cables, etc. These things will be placed in the ceiling or wall during wiring, and it is difficult to solve after problems. At the same time, even the products of large brands should use professional tools to detect quality before installation.