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Common problems of wiring

Time:2023-02-06 Views:

Comprehensive wiring is a meticulous and many projects. From construction survey, product selection, setting system, etc., the entire wiring process will encounter various problems. What are you paying attention to?

(1) The difference between shallow analysis of strong electrical wiring and weak electric wiring

Answer: Weak electricity: Weak electricity is very common in almost all electronic products. Compared with strong electricity, weak electricity refers to the current and voltage required for transmitting signals. The weak electricity characteristics are small current, high frequency, and small voltage. For example, the voltage out of the single -chip pin and the current is very small. It is used to process signal processing. This is weak electricity. Strong electricity: Strong power is generally electric in the power system, such as the lighting electricity of 220V, and the industrial electricity of more than 1,000 V. The strong power is characterized by high voltage, low frequency, and large current. Strong power is used to drive to drive High -power power equipment. For example, electric motors, electric lights and other electrical equipment.

(2) How to check the equipment before the construction of weak electricity?

Answer: Equipment inspection general requirements: A. Before construction, the construction unit should inspect the specifications, procedures, quantities, and quality of the cable equipment used in the project. Those who do not check the inspection of the factory may not be used in the project in the project. B. The inspection equipment should be recorded, and the devices of non -qualified certificates should be stored separately to prepare for verification and processing.

(3) How to put the cabinet and cables in an orderly manner?

Answer: First of all, it is necessary to notify the user to organize the cabinet without affecting the normal work of the user. Then outline the line diagram and equipment location chart of the cabinet according to the network's topology structure, existing equipment conditions, number of users, and user grouping. Next, prepare the required materials: network jump, label paper, various models of plastic tie.

(4) Talk about the rules and points of weak electric wiring construction?

Answer: First of all, the point is determined: 1. The basis for determining the point: Design drawings according to the home wiring, combined with the point of the point position on the wall, use a pencil, straight ruler, or ink fight to mark the position of each point at each point. 2. The height of the dark box: In addition to special requirements, the height of the dark box is consistent with the original strong electric socket. The height of the background music tuning switch should be consistent with the height of the original strong electric switch. If there are multiple dark boxes together, the distance between the dark box is at least 10mm.

(5) Talk about nine factors to consider in the six types of wiring construction?

Answer: In the new era, technology renewal is very fast. People have more and more demand for data information exchange. Information transmission of large -capacity and ultra -speed information is a major direction of future development. Obviously, the five types of network cable broadband suitable for about 100M are not available in people's needs. As the power of technology continues to increase, six categories of wiring and seven types of wiring will gradually occupy the market. Then let's take a look at some of the installation methods of six types of wiring.