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Development and application of security cables in domestic security industry

Time:2022-08-02 Views:

1. "To be the world's security enterprise and to create an international national brand in China's security industry" has become the development goal and corporate mission of the current outstanding enterprises in the industry. Under the guidance of this belief, China's security products have been widely penetrated into many fields of the world's security industry. International cooperation between domestic enterprises and enterprises in advanced developed countries has been carried out in all directions. At present, several of the most powerful security cable companies in China are also following the international trend of market development. A few years ago, they have begun to comprehensively formulate and launch a global development strategy. Through extensive cooperation and exchanges in technology, capital, management, etc. , the introduction of advanced technology and management concepts of foreign enterprises, so that the strength of the enterprise has been rapidly improved and developed. And actively go abroad, seek international markets, increase product exports, a large number of security cable products have been exported to all over the world.

After more than 20 years of vigorous development in China's security industry, the scope of application has continued to expand, and the degree of industrial concentration has continued to increase. New technologies and new products have entered the security industry one after another, and the market size of the security industry will grow rapidly. While domestic security cable companies continue to standardize the industry order and the market environment is gradually healthy, through the continuous improvement of their own strength and the continuous extension of products and services, the security cable industry is like China's security industry. , let us join hands to jointly push the security industry into the future.

2. Vicious competition in the market With the rapid development of the domestic security industry, the original security cable manufacturers have expanded their production capacity, other cable manufacturers and some newly established enterprises have also joined the security industry, and the market competition has continued to intensify . In order to increase market share and obtain a certain living space, most security cable manufacturers often adopt a low-price strategy. When the selling price of the product is close to or even lower than the actual cost of product manufacturing, in order to ensure profits and control costs, some manufacturers can only maintain operations and production by cutting corners, lacking rice and yards, and shoddy manufacturing. In recent years, the price of raw materials required for cable production in the international market has been rising, but the increase in the sales price of domestic cable products is very limited. As a result, the price of small manufacturers does not rise, the quality is declining, the price increase of large manufacturers is limited, and the profit is significantly reduced, which not only affects the normal operation and development of the enterprise, but also endangers the healthy and orderly development of the domestic security industry and the actual interests of the majority of security users.

We know that the most direct users of security cable products are often the vast number of security system integrators and engineering companies. For some integrators and engineers who are still in the early stage of development, the scale of the company is very limited, the management mechanism needs to be further improved, and there are still some loopholes in the product procurement management link. There is room for some security cable sales or manufacturers who use individuals or family members as the main sales force to use sales methods in the form of rebates or rebates, which destroys the good market order.

What is gratifying is that some companies with considerable scale and strength and a certain sense of social responsibility have fully realized the serious consequences of this kind of low-price vicious competition to the entire security industry. In the market sales of security cable products, the sales method of clear price is being vigorously promoted. Although it may affect the sales profits and market space of these enterprises in a certain period of time, in the long run, it is necessary to regulate the security industry market. It has a positive role in promoting the healthy and orderly development of the entire security industry.

3. Low-quality products are popular The security industry is an emerging industry in China. In the process of purchasing or construction, users and engineers attach great importance to the selection of equipment or other equipment, but often ignore the quality or service of cable products. Coupled with the fierce price competition in domestic security engineering bidding, engineering companies often consider price as the primary factor when purchasing cable products. In addition, the particularity of cable products, their quality and some performance and service life It requires professionals or equipment to identify, which, to a large extent, has caused a certain proportion of unqualified products to be widely used in various security systems, and some are even national key projects. Due to the use of low-quality and shoddy security cable products, the project quality problems or the failure of the project acceptance occur from time to time, which has a negative impact on the reputation of the engineering company and also causes losses to the interests of users.

What needs to be highly valued by the industry is that because the construction and application of cable products are generally concealed projects, the quality of the product cannot be directly observed from the outside, so its hazards are also concealed. The random selection of some substandard products will not guarantee the normal service life of the system. In the end, digging walls and digging the ground will not only cause losses, but also seriously endanger the safety of users' lives and property during use.