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Different application technologies of optical fiber

Time:2022-10-21 Views:

The application of optical fiber networks is becoming more and more widely used, but it is important to note that in the face of different application needs, the optical fiber used also has strict requirements. The actual application of optical fiber in various optical networks determines the requirements of optical fiber technical performance. Different optical fiber networks use different application technologies of optical fiber.

First, transmission fiber.

The application of optical fiber technology in the transmission system is first achieved through various optical networks. As of now, the Top Park structure of various optical fiber transmission networks constructed can basically be divided into three categories: astrology, bus -shaped and ring shape. In terms of the layering of the network, the network can be divided into several layers from top to bottom, and each layer can be divided into several sub -nets. In other words, the network and network composed of various switching centers and its transmission system can continue to be divided into a few smaller subnets in order to enable the entire digital network to effectively communicate services. ISDN) is the general goal of the communication network. The popularity of ADSL and CATV and the continuous increase in the capacity of urban access systems, and the expansion of the trunk backbone network requires different types of optical fiber to serve as the heavy responsibility of transmission.

Second, zoom in optical fiber.

Mixing rare earth elements in the quartz fiber core layer can be made into enlarged fiber, such as mixing large fiber optic fiber (EDF), mixed with large fiber fiber (TOF), and so on. The enlarged optical fiber and traditional quartz fiber have good integration performance, and also have many advantages such as high output, broad band width, and low noise. The fiber amplifier (such as EDFA) made of optical fiber is the most widely used device in today's transmission system. The magnifying bandwidth of EDF has been expanded from the C -band (1530 1560nm) to the L -band (1570 1610), and the amplifier bandwidth is 80nm. The latest research results indicate that EDF can also be lithotripped in the S band (1460 1530), and has created an inductive Lazan fiber amplifier to magnify on the S band.


Third, optical fiber is used for ultra -continuous wave (SC).

Ultra -continuous waves are super broadband phenomenon of strong light pulses in transparent media. As a new generation of multi -carrier light sources, it has received widespread attention in the industry. Since the ultra -broadband light observed in large -capacity glass in 1970, Alfano and Shapiro have observed the occurrence of ultra -broadband light in a variety of substances such as fiber, semiconductor materials, and water.

Fourth, preserved fiber.

Polarized fiber was first used for optical transmission and developed fiber. Since then, it is used in the field of fiber sensor technology such as fiber gyro. In recent years, due to the increase in the number of waves in the DWDM transmission system and the development of high -speed development, preparation of optical fiber has been widely used. The most applications are Panda (Panda).

Fifth, scattered compensation for fiber (DCF).

Fiber scattered can make the pulse wide and cause errors. This is a problem that must be avoided in the communication network, and it is also a topic that needs to be solved in a long -range transmission system. Generally speaking, the fiber scattered color scattered includes two parts: material scattered and waveguide structure. The material scattered depends on the decentralization of the silicon maternal material and doping agent of the optical fiber. And the tendency to change. Color compensation optical fiber is a technology used in the transmission system to solve the scattered management.