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Features of Optical Fiber Communication

Time:2022-03-21 Views:

huge communication capacity

In theory, one fiber can transmit 10 billion voice channels at the same time. At present, the experiment of transmitting 500,000 voice channels at the same time has been successful, which is thousands or even hundreds of thousands times higher than traditional coaxial cables and microwaves.

long relay distance

Optical fiber has a very low attenuation coefficient, and with appropriate optical transmission, optical receiving equipment, optical amplifier, forward error correction and RZ coding modulation technology, etc., can make its relay distance reach more than thousands of kilometers, while traditional cables can only Transmission 1.5km, microwave 50km, can't compare with it at all.

good confidentiality


It has the advantages of not afraid of the interference of strong external electromagnetic fields, corrosion resistance, etc.

Small size and light weight

Abundant sources of raw materials and low prices