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How is the fiber routed?

Time:2022-08-26 Views:

How to route the optical fiber? When the optical fiber is to be turned, its turning radius should be greater than 20 times the diameter of the optical fiber itself.

When optical fibers pass through walls or floors, protective plastic pipes with mouth guards should be added, and the pipes should be filled with flame-retardant fillers. A certain amount of plastic pipes can also be pre-laid in the building.

The length of one laying should not be too long (usually 2KM). When wiring, it should be pulled from the middle to both sides.

When the optical fiber is used in the backbone network, at least 6-core optical cable should be used in the wiring room of each floor, and 12-core optical cable should be used for advanced applications. This is considered from three aspects: application, backup and expansion.

The most important thing for long-distance fiber optic laying is to choose a suitable path. The shortest path is not necessarily the best, but also pay attention to the right to use the land, the possibility of erection or burial, etc.

When laying in mountainous areas and high-voltage power grid areas, attention should be paid to the reliable grounding of metal objects in the optical fiber. Generally, there should be 3 grounding points per kilometer, or non-metallic optical fibers should be selected.