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How to choose good quality crystal heads?

Time:2023-03-06 Views:

Although it is said that the crystal head can be said to be one of the smallest equipment. However, it plays a very big role. It is not easy to cut when buying, and it must not be greedy for small cheaper to cause a big disaster. Today we will talk about the details of the crystal head selection and application.

       Two tricks tell you how to choose the crystal head:

       The first trick: judge authenticity from the appearance

       The price of crystal heads is not too expensive, and the market is generally between 0.5-2 yuan. Although not expensive, the price gap between each other is very large. In order to avoid buying inferior crystal heads, the first trick of teaching everyone is to judge the quality of its quality from the appearance.

       First of all, the crystal head looks bright and transparent, a bit like crystal. If the quality is good, you will find that its external outside is very smooth. The materials of each part are the same. They will not contain any impurities. The transparency is relatively high. Secondly, the crystal head plastic port is relatively strong. We can simply judge that the crystal head is hollow components with our hands. If there is a more obvious deformation, it means that there is a problem with the quality of its quality; however It needs to be quite good. You can try to turn it back. Generally, it can be easily bending for about 180 degrees without breaking. There will be no deformation after loosening.

       If the appearance conforms to the above phenomenon, it means that the quality of the crystal head is still excellent. Some of the materials made of crystal head contain impurities, and the plastic sheet is broken or deformed after bending, then it shows that its quality is very problematic.