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How to connect single mode optical cable

Time:2022-05-16 Views:

How to connect single-mode optical cable: pre-sleeve a heat-shrinkable tube containing steel wire that is ribbed to the connection position of the optical cable; remove the coating layer, clamp the optical cable vertically with the coating pliers, and quickly strip 20mm--30mm long once For coating and secondary coating, use cotton wool soaked in ethanol or a cleaning cloth to rub the optical cable vigorously to clean the core to prevent cracks and scratches on the surface of the optical cable.

Cut the fiber optic cable and make the end face. In the optical cable connection, the more important process is the production of the optical cable end face. Whether the improvement of the end face of the optical cable determines the loss of the optical cable connection. The end face of the optical cable must not only be leveled to show a smooth and tidy mirror glass area, no burrs, no damage, and perpendicular to the center line, but also to maintain the end face clean to prevent dust pollution.

There are three ways to manufacture the end face: First, the method of engraving. Use a mechanical cutter, and use a diamond knife to scribe the surface layer of the optical cable to the direction of the vertical bisected optical cable, 10 mm away from the coating layer, and gently bounce the optical cable at this time. The second is the cutting pliers method, which uses a self-made hand-held simple pliers to carry out the actual cutting operation.

The third is the ultrasonic electric cutting method. These three methods only need high-quality equipment and proper operation, and the effect of preparing the end face is very good.

Put the two optical cables to be connected into the fusion splicer, and the fusion splicer will automatically carry out the fusion.

In the end, after all fiber core connections are completed, the OTDR instrument panel is used to carry out re-testing in the rescue panel, but if it is closed, it needs to be rescued or connected again until it reaches the standard. The index value of splicing loss of single-mode optical cable is generally 0.08dB. In construction, the index value can be required according to the actual situation, but generally it should not exceed 0.08dB.

Optical cable splice loss occurs because of imperfect splice points. There are many reasons that endanger the imperfect splice points. Specifically, there are two types, namely incentives and internal causes.

The internal cause refers to the imperfection of the optical cable itself, and the loss cannot be reduced by improving the splicing process. It includes core diameter mismatch, refractive index mismatch, poor coaxiality of the optical cable, and mode field diameter mismatch. Therefore, in the splicing test , the connection loss value is large positive and large negative.

External factors refer to the imperfection of the non-single-mode optical cable itself, but it is caused by the poor connection process. External elements have strict requirements for follow-up staff. The errors in the horizontal, vertical, and radial angles of the core part, and the contamination of the end face of the optical cable are caused by human factors such as insufficient maintenance of the fusion splicer and unreasonable actual operation during the whole process of splicing.