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How to deal with the failure of the optical cable line?

Time:2022-05-11 Views:

The reasons for the failure of optical cable lines can be roughly divided into four categories: external factors, natural disasters, defects of the optical cable itself and human factors. So, what should I do once the optical cable line fails? The following is the repair process of the optical cable line.


1. The processing after the fault occurs, different types of line faults, the focus of processing is different.


(1) There is a total resistance fault that can be replaced by an optical cable in the same route. The personnel on duty in the computer room should use other good fiber cores to block services on the optical fiber in accordance with the emergency plan as soon as possible, and then repair the faulty fiber as soon as possible.


(2) For all-block faults that cannot be replaced by optical fibers, follow the emergency plan to implement the direct repair of the replacement or the obstacle point, and the principle of "first important circuit, second secondary circuit" should be followed when rushing through or repairing.


(3) The optical cable has non-total resistance, and there are remaining optical fibers available. Use spare fiber cores or other optical cables with the same route to replace the services on the faulty fiber cores. If there are many faulty cores, there are not enough spare cores, and there are no other optical cables with the same route, the secondary circuit can be sacrificed to replace the important circuit, and then the faulty core can be repaired by the method without interrupting the circuit.


(4) The optical cable is not fully resisted, and there is no remaining optical fiber or optical cable with the same route. If the blocked optical fiber opens an important circuit, use other non-important circuit optical fibers to replace the blocked optical fiber, and use the method of uninterrupted cutover to repair the faulty fiber core urgently.


(5) The transmission quality is unstable, and the system is good and bad. If there is a spare fiber core that can be replaced or other optical cables with the same route, the services on the optical fiber can be transferred to other optical fibers. Find out the cause of the degradation of transmission quality and deal with it in a targeted manner.


2. Fault location


If it is determined that the optical cable line is faulty, you should quickly determine which relay segment the fault occurred in and the specific situation of the fault, and inquire about the network management room in detail. If the loop is interrupted, it can be determined that the fault point is located in the section from the Changning computer room to the official leader. According to the judgment result, immediately notify the relevant line maintenance unit to judge the fault point.


3. Preparation for emergency repair


After the line maintenance unit receives the failure notification, it should quickly load the repair tools, instruments and equipment, and at the same time notify the relevant maintenance line staff to find the cause and fault point in the nearby lot. The preparation time for emergency repair of optical cable lines shall be carried out according to regulations.


4. Establish a communication system


After the repair personnel arrive at the fault point, they should immediately establish a communication system with the transmission room.