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How to set up the optical cable?

Time:2022-06-09 Views:

Optical cable construction is roughly divided into the following steps: preparation → routing project → optical cable laying → optical cable connection → project acceptance.

  1. Preparation

(1) Check whether the design materials, raw materials, construction tools and equipment are complete.

(2) Form a high-quality construction team. This is very important, because optical fiber construction is much stricter than cable construction, and any negligence in construction may result in increased optical fiber loss or even broken cores.

  2. Routing Engineering

(1) Before laying the optical cable, it is necessary to conduct a careful survey of the route that the optical cable passes through, understand the local road construction and planning, and try to avoid potential hidden dangers such as pits, threshing fields, and gas stations. After the route is determined, the actual length is measured, accurate to within 50m. In addition, the natural bending and various reserved lengths during deployment are also added. Various reservations also include other special reservations such as bending in the insertion hole, reservation on the rod, reservation at both ends of the joint, and increase in the curvature of the horizontal plane. In order to reconnect the optical cable when it breaks, a certain margin should be left at every 100 meters. The length of the margin is generally 5% to 10%. Order according to the actual required length and indicate when winding.

(2) Draw a path construction drawing. Number the pre-planted poles, draw a path construction drawing, and indicate the number of each pole or underground pipeline outlet pole and the length of the pipeline, and determine the length and location that need to be left behind. In this way, the length of the optical cable can be effectively used, and the reasonable configuration can minimize the fusion points.

(3) It is best to install the two optical fiber joints in a place with flat terrain and stable geology