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Installation of fiber optic cables

Time:2022-08-08 Views:

The installation of fiber optic cables requires extra care. Grind the end of each fiber optic cable when connecting, and connect it with the optical interface by electric grilling or chemical epichlorination process to ensure that the optical channel is not blocked. The fiber can't be pulled too tightly, nor can it form a right angle. The most important thing for long-distance cable laying is to choose a suitable path. The shortest path is not necessarily the best, but also pay attention to the right to use the land, the possibility of erection or burial, etc. There must be very complete design and construction drawings for convenient and reliable construction and future inspections. During construction, be careful not to put the optical cable under heavy pressure or be punctured by hard objects. When the optical cable turns, its turning radius is 20 times larger than the diameter of the optical cable itself.

1. Selection principle of optical cable:

The selection of optical cable is not only based on the number of optical fibers and the type of optical fiber, but also the outer sheath of the optical cable according to the use environment of the optical cable.

1) When the outdoor optical cable is directly buried, the armored optical cable should be selected. When overhead, an optical cable with a black plastic outer sheath with two or more reinforcing ribs can be used.

2) When selecting optical cables used in buildings, attention should be paid to their flame retardant, poisonous and smoke characteristics. Generally, the type of flame retardant but smoke (Plenum) can be used in the pipeline or forced ventilation, and the type of flame retardant, non-toxic and smoke-free (Riser) should be used in the exposed environment.

3) When cabling vertically in the building, distribution cables can be used; when wiring horizontally, breakout cables can be used.

4) If the transmission distance is less than 2km, you can choose multi-mode optical cable. If it exceeds 2km, you can use repeater or choose single-mode optical cable.

2. Construction of outdoor aerial optical cable:

1) The overhead method of hanging wire bracket, this method is simple and cheap