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Optical fiber detection

Time:2022-11-04 Views:

The main purpose of optical fiber detection is to ensure the quality of system connection, reduce fault factors and find out the fault point of optical fiber in case of fault. There are many detection methods, mainly including manual simple measurement and precision instrument measurement.

1. Simple manual measurement

This method is generally used to quickly detect the on-off of optical fiber and distinguish the optical fiber made during construction. It is realized by using a simple light source to inject visible light from one end of the optical fiber and observe which one is emitting light from the other end. Although this method is simple, it can not quantitatively measure the attenuation and breakpoint of optical fiber.


2. Precision instrument measurement

The optical power meter or optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) is used to measure the optical fiber quantitatively, which can measure the attenuation of the optical fiber and the attenuation of the joint, and even the position of the optical fiber breakpoint. This kind of measurement can be used to quantitatively analyze the causes of optical network failures and evaluate optical network products.