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Power optical cable manufacturers explain that the main bearing element of ADSS optical cable is aramid yarn

Time:2022-03-10 Views:

Today, the power optical cable manufacturer will lead you to understand in detail that the main bearing element of ADSS optical cable is aramid yarn.

Smart grid requires the power system to be supported by information technology to realize the characteristics of informatization, automation and interaction of the power grid; FTTx and 3G network construction requires information communication while solving the power consumption problem of network terminal equipment, so it is applied to the power system. All kinds of composite cables and special optical cables that take into account power transmission and information communication, namely power optical cables

All-Dielectric Self-Supporting Optical Cable ADSS and Metal Self-Supporting Optical Cable-MASS

1) Metal self-supporting optical cable-MASS - stainless steel tube optical fiber unit structure, considering that the MASS optical cable is erected on the same pole with the existing tower as the ADSS optical cable, in order to reduce the additional load on the tower, the MASS optical cable is required to be small in structure and light in weight. Therefore, the MASS optical cable structure adopts the central tube type, that is, a layer of galvanized steel wire or aluminum-clad steel wire is stranded outside the stainless steel optical fiber unit.

MASS optical cable is similar to ADSS optical cable in mechanical design, and also needs to perform span-tension-sag check calculation. However, when installing and laying, you should choose a suitable suspension point, on the one hand, keep a certain safe distance from the power line; on the other hand, because MASS optical cable is a metal structure, it can be easily solved by good grounding treatment and selection of weak electric field installation points. Electrocorrosion problem. Because the MASS optical cable is an all-metal structure, it can also be used as an effective anti-rat optical cable in some areas where rodents are rampant.

2) All-dielectric self-supporting optical cable ADSS - is a special optical cable that uses the existing high-voltage transmission tower and erected on the same pole as the power line. It has the advantages of low engineering cost, convenient construction, high safety and easy maintenance.

ADSS optical cable is self-supporting overhead laying and should have a large tensile strength to ensure that it can bear the influence of the external environment during normal operation. The main bearing element of ADSS optical cable is aramid yarn, which can be divided into central tube type and layer twist type according to the structure. The layer twist structure is divided into single sheath and double sheath structure.

In the mechanical design of ADSS optical cable, in addition to having a certain tensile strength, it is also necessary to consider the safe distance from the ground when the ADSS optical cable is installed under a certain span and the safe distance to the ground under a full load environment, so as to prevent the normal operation of the road from being affected. On the other hand, because there is a certain high-voltage electric field environment around the high-voltage power line, it is easy to corrode and damage the ADSS optical cable. Therefore, when laying the ADSS optical cable, not only should an appropriate suspension point be selected, but the outer sheath should also have a certain resistance to electrical corrosion. According to the standard requirements of DL/T 788-2001 "All-Dielectric Self-supporting Optical Cable", the outer sheath can be divided into Class A (potential less than 12kV) and Class B (potential greater than 12kV). Tracking sheath material) According to the actual application, it is generally recommended that the operating potential of the suspension point should not exceed 25kV.