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Repair of optical cable obstacle

Time:2022-11-07 Views:

In case of any obstacle in the optical cable line, every minute must be taken to adjust the circuit temporarily or lay the emergency optical cable to seize the circuit temporarily, and the power shall be organized to repair it as soon as possible.


1. Emergency repair

1) All optical cable lines in one direction are blocked

According to the predetermined circuit scheduling scheme, all or part of the main circuits shall be temporarily adjusted immediately.

2) Individual optical fiber blocking of optical cable lines in one direction

If there is a spare optical fiber in the optical fiber or there is another circuitous circuit, immediately use the spare optical fiber or circuitous circuit to temporarily open the barrier circuit; If there is a spare optical fiber in the optical cable without circuitous circuit, it shall be handled according to the specified dispatching principle to ensure that the important circuit is unblocked and the secondary circuit is suspended.

3) Partial optical fiber blocking of optical cable line in one direction

If there is a spare optical fiber in the optical cable, in addition to using the spare optical fiber to temporarily switch on the circuit, the non blocking optical fiber can be selected for temporary pairing, and the circuit can be temporarily switched on according to the specified dispatching principle and sequence. If the temporarily paired optical fiber is not enough and there is no circuitous circuit, the secondary circuit will be suspended.