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The benefits of using the wiring frame

Time:2023-02-13 Views:

1. Beautiful. The company's cloth network line is a part of the dark line, and part of the bright line is cloth. On the wall, the bridge and pipelines are taken in the wall. For the sake of beauty, all wiring will be raised after the end of the wiring. If you use the wiring frame, you will never move after the online wiring rack, so the network cable does not need to have a balance, you can just reaches the length of the wiring frame, it is good to look at it, and hundreds of network cables are from the cabinet from the cabinet. The inside is directly on the wiring frame. On the surface, there is no messy line, which is very beautiful. If you go directly to the switch, you must leave a certain amount of balance. The line is inconvenient and not beautiful.

2. Follow -up.

Generally, projects are designed to the network in the early stage of construction, and a certain amount of balance will be retained to ensure that the company’s network can support user growth within a period of time, and the wiring frame can be achieved. Root racks (don't have a lot of money), do not insert network cables. In the future, the user comes to insert it. Do not take up more switch ports. When a switch is not enough, just buy one directly. And if you go directly to the switch, you design so much, and you will never get in the early stage. You have to buy more switches. The cost is too high, and you may not really have so many employees. You are all scattered in the cabinet, how ugly, it is not convenient to find it at that time

3. Audio.

The wiring frame can be labeled, wiring, and after the wiring frame is over, you need to correspond to the corresponding network of the network port and the wiring frame under the seat, and label it. When you go to the port, if you go directly to the switch, even if you label on both ends of each network cable, you will still be difficult to find at that time. There are 48 exchanges and full network cables. Where can you find labels.

4. Reduce failure and save costs.

There is a wiring frame, you only need to move the network cable from the wiring to the switch when you get the network cable. Even if the insertion is broken, you can easily change it. You can directly on the switch. In case the network cable is you If the insertion is broken, you have to go back.