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The difference between optical cable and fiber

Time:2023-02-10 Views:

Cables containing optical fiber are called optical cables. Because the transmission loss of information in optical guidance fibers is much lower than the loss of electricity transmission in the wire, it is also because the main production materials are silicon, which is extremely high and easier to minimize. Transfer medium. As the price of optical fibers is further reduced, optical fiber is also used for medical and entertainment.

Fiber is mainly divided into two categories, gradient fiber and mutant fiber. The refractive index of the former is gradient, and the refractive index of the latter is mutation. It is also divided into single -mode fiber and multi -mode fiber. In recent years, there have been new photon crystal optical fibers.

Light -conducting fiber is a dual structure. The core part is high refractive index glass. The surface part is a low refractive index glass or plastic. The light is transmitted in the core of the core and continuously reflected at the junction of the surface layer. transmission. This fiber is slightly thicker than the hair. Such a fine fiber has a dual structural distribution with a very different refractive index, which is a very amazing technology. After years of hard work, scientists in various countries have created the internal attachment method, MCVD method, VAD method, and so on. It has made ultra -high pure quartz glass. The efficiency of the special light -guided fiber transmission of light has been significantly improved. Now the better light -guided fiber, its light transmission loss is only zero -two decibels per kilometer; that is, only 4.5 % of the loss after spreading one kilometer.