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The future of power optical cable market is bright

Time:2022-03-07 Views:

The development of the power optical cable market is inseparable from the support of a series of policies. Under the guidance of policies such as the "Belt and Road" initiative and "new infrastructure", the prospect of the power optical cable market is undoubtedly bright and promising.

Domestic market: In March 2020, my country's "new infrastructure" policy was introduced, which proposed to promote the construction of UHV projects, smart grids, and new energy charging piles; during the two sessions, Premier Li Keqiang also emphasized the need to carry out "two new and one heavy" construction. , proposed to build charging piles, ensure energy security, improve the production, supply and marketing system of oil, natural gas, and electricity, and enhance energy reserve capacity; in addition, the State Grid actively responded to the national "new infrastructure" policy and proposed to accelerate the promotion of Yazhong-Jiangxi, Qinghai-Henan, northern Shaanxi-Hubei and other UHV projects were constructed, and a number of key projects such as Zhangbei Rouzhi and Mengxi-Jinzhong AC were put into operation in the first half of the year, and the construction goals of Xiong'an New Area Power Grid and Beijing Winter Olympics supporting power grid were achieved on schedule; China Southern Power Grid During the two sessions, General Manager Cao Zhian proposed to make precise investments in the construction of modern rural power grids, and at the same time, continuously improve the level of intelligence and flexibility of rural power grids, and promote the upgrading of rural power grid infrastructure. Data shows that China Southern Power Grid plans to invest 25.1 billion yuan in the construction of charging facilities in the next four years, and build 150 large-scale centralized charging stations and 380,000 charging piles.

It can be seen from the above that, under the promotion of "new infrastructure", "two new and one heavy" and other policies, and under the investment of the two major power grid companies, State Grid and China Southern Power Grid, my country's power grid construction will be further accelerated, and the domestic power optical cable market will be further accelerated in the future. get some benefit.

Relevant industry experts said that new infrastructure such as UHV projects will definitely bring new development opportunities and broad application scenarios to the power optical cable market. Specifically and vividly, the UHV project is building an "electric highway", and the construction of highways also requires many branch roads to cooperate. This will not only use OPGW optical cables, but also optical fiber composite low-voltage cables such as OPLC, as well as a series of products such as supporting wires. It is worth noting that the power communication department has required the construction of 2 OPGW optical cables (usually 1 cable) in overhead transmission lines of 220kV and above, and the number of cores of each optical cable is not less than 72 cores (original usually 24 cores).

International field: In recent years, Chinese enterprises have actively responded to the "Belt and Road" initiative, and have continuously carried out power grid project cooperation with overseas countries and regions such as the Philippines, Brazil, Portugal, Australia, Italy, and Greece, and achieved fruitful results. For example, the second phase of Brazil's Meishan Hydropower UHV DC transmission project invested and constructed by State Grid in Brazil, China Southern Power Grid has strengthened energy resource development and cooperation with countries along the "Belt and Road", and realized the interconnection with Vietnam, Laos, and Myanmar power grids. What is certain is that under the influence of the "Belt and Road" initiative, my country's power optical cable market will have a broader development world overseas.

What is certain is that with the deepening of policies such as "new infrastructure" and the "Belt and Road" initiative, my country's power optical cable market will gain new development space, with bright prospects and a promising future.