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The latest developments in the wire and cable industry

Time:2022-03-21 Views:

Driven by the demand for large-scale communication construction, my country's optical fiber and cable industry has developed rapidly, and has formed a complete industrial chain from optical fiber preforms - optical fibers - optical cables - optical network products. The largest fiber optic cable manufacturer.

In 2018, my country's optical fiber and cable market turned from a shortage to an oversupply. From the perspective of market demand, the continuous construction of fiber-to-the-home and 4G has strongly stimulated the demand for my country's fiber optic cable market in the past few years. In 2018, since the 5G construction has not yet officially started, the scale construction of fiber-to-the-home and 4G networks has been basically completed, and the market has experienced a decline in demand. At the same time, from the perspective of supply, under good market expectations, optical fiber and cable companies have launched new construction and expansion projects in the past few years, and production capacity will be released in 2018. Therefore, under the action of multiple factors, my country's optical fiber and cable market has shown signs of oversupply.

In the early stage of 2019, the operators' demand for optical network construction may be close to that in 2018, but with the 5G trial network entering the substantive construction stage, and my country's "network power", "digital China", "smart society", "rural revitalization" and other strategic deployments The continuous advancement of the industry, the continuous improvement of the level of residents' information consumption and the level of industrial informatization, the future development of the industry is expected to usher in a new round of growth.