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The market conditions of the wire and cable industry and its manufacturing process

Time:2023-02-01 Views:

With the rapid development of China's wire and cable industry, the number of new companies has continued to rise, and the overall technical level of the industry has been greatly improved. In China, the wire and cable industry is the second industry after the automobile manufacturing industry. The product types and penetration rates are as high as 90%in the market rate. In the world, the total output value of China's wires and cables has exceeded the United States, becoming the largest producer of wires and cables in the world.

With the continuous expansion of China's power industry, data communication industry, urban rail transit, automobile industry, and shipbuilding industries, the demand for wires and cables will also grow rapidly. In the future, the wire and cable industry will have huge development potential. The continuous and rapid growth of the Chinese economy has provided huge market space for cable products. The strong temptation of the Chinese market has made the world focus on the Chinese market. The huge production capacity formed has made the world look eye -catching.

In November 2008, in order to cope with the world financial crisis, the government decided to invest 4 trillion yuan to drive domestic demand, of which about 40%were used for the construction and transformation of urban and rural grids. The national wire and cable industry has good market opportunities. Various wires and cable companies in various places seize opportunities to welcome a new round of urban and rural grid construction and transformation.

Let's take a look at some matters in the production process of wires and cables:

1. Cable cable manufacturing process

The manufacturing of wires and cables is completely different from most of the production methods of most electromechanical products. Mechanical and electrical products are usually assembled into parts, multiple components, and then assembled them into single products. The wire and cable are based on the length as the basic measurement unit. All wires and cables start with conductive processing, adding insulation, shielding, cables, and protective layers to the periphery of the conductor to make wire and cable products. The more complicated the product structure, the more superposition levels.

2. There are many dedicated equipment

The wire and cable manufacturing uses special production equipment with the characteristics of the industry to meet the structure and performance requirements of cable products, and meet the requirements of large -length continuous and high -speed production as possible, thereby forming a series of dedicated equipment for cable manufacturing. Such as extrusion machine series, tensor series, twisted machine series, charter charter series, etc.

The manufacturing process of wires and cables is closely related to the development of dedicated equipment and promotes each other. New process requirements to promote the production and development of new special equipment; in turn, the development of new dedicated equipment has also improved the promotion and application of new processes. Such as drawing, annealing, and extruding series lines; special equipment such as physical foam production lines have promoted the development and improvement of wires and cable manufacturing processes, and improving the quality and production efficiency of cables.

3. There are many categories of production crafts and large material flows

The process doors involved in wire and cable manufacturing are widely involved, from the melting and pressure processing of non -ferrous metals, to plastic, rubber, paint and other chemical technologies; textile technologies such as fibrous materials, weaving, etc. The vertical package, welded metal forming processing process, and so on.

The various materials used in wire and cable manufacturing are not only categories, varieties, and specifications, but also large numbers. Therefore, the amount, spare amount, and batch of various materials must be approved. At the same time, the decomposition, recycling, repeated use and waste treatment of waste products, as an important content of management, do a good job of management of materials and pay attention to saving work.

In the production of wires and cables, from the entry and exit and storage of various auxiliary materials from raw materials and various auxiliary materials, the transfer of semi -finished products to the product is stored and ex -factory, and the material flow is large.