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The status quo of the development of optical fiber and cable in China

Time:2022-03-08 Views:

     1. Ordinary fiber

     Ordinary single-mode fiber is a commonly used fiber. With the development of optical communication systems, the optical relay distance and single wavelength channel capacity increase, the performance of G..652.A fiber may be further optimized. The low attenuation coefficient in the 1550rim area is not fully utilized and the fiber The Z low attenuation coefficient and the zero dispersion point are not in the same area. Such improvements are achieved with cut-off wavelength-shifted single-mode fibers according to ITUTG.654 and dispersion-shifted single-mode fibers according to G..653.

     2. Core network optical cable

     my country has fully adopted optical cables on trunk lines (including national trunk lines, provincial trunk lines and regional trunk lines), among which multi-mode fibers have been eliminated, and single-mode fibers are all used, including G..652 fibers and G..655 fibers. Although G..653 optical fiber has been used in my country, it will not be developed in the future. G..654 fiber has not been used in my country's terrestrial fiber optic cable because it cannot greatly increase the capacity of the fiber optic system. Discrete optical fibers are used in trunk cables instead of ribbons. Trunk fiber optic cables are mainly used outdoors. Among these fiber optic cables, the tight-jacketed stranded and skeleton structures that have been used have been discontinued.

     3. Access network optical cable

     The optical cable in the access network has a short distance, many branches, and frequent additions and drops. In order to increase the network capacity, the number of optical fiber cores is usually increased. Especially in the urban pipeline, due to the limited inner diameter of the pipeline, it is very important to increase the optical fiber assembly density of the optical fiber cable while increasing the number of optical fiber cores, and to reduce the diameter and weight of the optical fiber cable. The access network uses G..652 ordinary single-mode fiber and G..652.C low-water peak single-mode fiber. Low water peak single-mode fiber is suitable for dense wavelength division multiplexing, and has been used in a small amount in my country at present.

     4. Indoor optical cable

     Indoor optical cables are often used for the transmission of voice, data and video signals at the same time. And may also be used for telemetry and sensors. The indoor optical cable referred to by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) in the classification of optical cables, the author believes that it should at least include two major parts: intra-office optical cable and optical cable for integrated wiring. The optical cables for office use are laid out in the central office or other telecommunication equipment rooms, and they are arranged in a close and orderly manner and their positions are relatively fixed. The combined wiring optical cable is laid in the user's room and is mainly used by the user, so its vulnerability should be more strictly considered than that of the office optical cable.

     5. Communication optical cables in power lines

     Optical fibers are dielectric, and optical cables can also be made of all-dielectric, completely metal-free. Such an all-dielectric optical cable will be the most ideal communication line in the power system. There are two types of all-dielectric optical cables used for laying power lines and poles: the all-dielectric self-supporting (ADSS) structure and the winding structure for overhead ground wires. ADSS optical cable has been widely used in the current transformation of my country's power transmission system because it can be deployed separately and has a wide range of applications. ADSS optical cable has a large demand in China recently, and it is a popular product at present.