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The wire and cable industry needs to pay attention to the lack of weak wire cables

Time:2023-03-16 Views:

The attention of special cables and high -end markets is very helpful for the development of the wire and cable industry, but at the same time, we must also pay attention to preventing excessive touting and chasing cable products. It cannot ignore some difficulties of weak electric cables in the low -end market.

Over the past, after research, cables in the wire and cable industry have a high -end position in the market. Among them, weak electric cables are an important part of the wire and cable industry, but there are still many problems in the weak wire industry, such as The development of weak electric cables encountered a bottleneck that was difficult to break. It was urgent to find a way to solve the cable manufacturer, users and relevant departments.

Weak electric cable products are used in many areas of comprehensive wiring projects, including power, communication, control, security, and fire protection. Whether it is security communications, or electrical equipment and related weak electricity transmission, weaken electric cable products are needed. Especially with the advent of the era of big data, the amount of information interaction has become increasingly larger. The weak electric cables, as security communication, network communication, and related weak electricity transmission purposes, have huge application markets in China and the world. According to the relevant survey report, the output value of the wire and cable industry in my country in 2013 exceeded 1.3 trillion, and the output value of the weak electric and cable industry in my country is expected to exceed 1/3 of the wire and cable industry. That is to say, the annual output value of weak electric cables will exceed 400 billion Essence

Some difficulties in the bottleneck of weak electric cables are difficult to break through:

1. The production of weak wire cables is relatively concentrated

China's weak wire cable production is relatively concentrated, so it is both beneficial and disadvantaged. The benefit is that in the early days of the development of weak wire cables. Due to the high concentration of production, it can drive the rapid development of the weak wire cable industry in a region. The disadvantage is that when the weak wire and cable industry develops to a certain stage, competition will inevitably become more intense. Also due to the high concentration of regional production, the production enterprises are almost "knowing the roots", which not only has serious homogeneous competition, but also buried hidden dangers for the price war.

2. Low price and a lot of applied to the construction industry

The key to weak electric cables to break through low -cost competition is that weak electric cable products are mainly used in the construction industry, including important systems such as power, communication, control, security and fire protection in construction projects. In addition, the construction industry cables are more chaotic. After investigation, even many cable products were purchased by decoration staff or residents, so they expanded the "low price as king". However, no one has never thought about the quality of the quality of the cable products with ultra -low -priced cables? Once such low -cost weak electric cables have quality problems, the loss caused by users is by no means a little difference. And the whole life may be lost!

Third, counterfeit and inferior, quality is not guaranteed, strong market competition

With the rapid development of the domestic weak electricity industry, the original weak wire cable manufacturers have expanded their production capacity. Other cable manufacturers and some newly established companies have also joined the weak electricity industry, and the market competition has continued to intensify. In order to improve the market share and obtain a certain living space, most of the weak wire cable manufacturers often adopt low -cost strategies. However, the disadvantage of this is very simple. When the sales price of the product is close or even lower than the actual cost of the product manufacturing, the ministry