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What is the connection method of fiber optic cable?

Time:2022-07-11 Views:

The connection methods of fiber optic cables mainly include permanent connection, emergency connection, and theme event connection.

1. Permanent metal connection (also known as hot melt) This type of connection is by means of discharge. Melt the connection points of the two fibers and connect them together. Generally used for long-distance continuation, permanent or semi-permanent fixed connection. Its main feature is that the connection attenuation is the lowest in any connection method, with a typical value of 0.01~0.03dB/point. However, when connecting, professional equipment (fusion machine) and professionals must carry out practical operations, and the connection point must also be maintained with special-purpose utensils;

2. Emergency connection (also called cold melting) Emergency connection mainly uses mechanical equipment and organic chemical methods to fix and bond two optical fibers together. The main feature of this type of method is that the connection is fast and reliable, and the typical attenuation of the connection is 0.1~0.3dB/point. However, the long-term application of the connection point will be unstable, and the attenuation will be greatly increased, so it is only used for emergency use in the short term;

3. Active connection. Active connection is a method of connecting sites to sites or sites to fiber optic cables using various fiber optic connection components (power plugs and power sockets). This kind of method is flexible, simple, convenient and reliable, and is often used in the integrated wiring of electronic computers in buildings. Typical attenuation is 1dB/connector.