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What is the difference between single mode and multimode fiber optic transceivers?

Time:2022-06-01 Views:

Want to know the difference between single-mode and multi-mode fiber optic transceivers? First, understand single-mode fiber and multi-mode fiber. Single-mode fiber has only a single propagation path, and is generally used for long-distance transmission; multi-mode fiber has multiple propagation paths, and the bandwidth of multi-mode fiber is 50MHz~500MHz/Km. The bandwidth of single-mode fiber is 2000MHz/Km, and the fiber wavelengths are 850nm, 1310nm and 1550nm. The 850nm wavelength region is multi-mode fiber communication; the 1550nm wavelength region is single-mode fiber communication; the 1310nm wavelength region is multi-mode and single-mode; the attenuation at 850nm is larger, but for 2~3MILE (1MILE=1604m) communication more economical.

So how do we distinguish whether the fiber optic transceiver is single-mode or multi-mode? There are 3 ways, let's take a look:

1. Distinguish from the bald head: unplug the optical fiber transceiver bald head dust cap, look at the color of the interface components inside the bald head, the inner side of the single-mode TX and RX interfaces are coated with white ceramics. The multi-mode interface is brown.

2. Distinguish from the model: generally see whether there are S and M in the model, S means single mode, M means multi-mode.

3. If it has been installed and used, you can see the color of the fiber jumper. Orange is multi-mode, and yellow is a small reminder for single-mode: single-mode transceivers can work under both single-mode fiber and multi-mode fiber. , the multimode fiber transceiver cannot work under single mode fiber. In addition, there are single-to-multimode converter devices on the market. It can solve the interchange of single-mode fiber and multi-mode fiber.