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Work area subsystem

Time:2023-03-02 Views:

An independent need to set the terminal (TE) areas should be divided into a workplace. The working area should be composed of the connection cable and adapter of the connection cable and adapter of the terminal equipment of the wiring subsystem to the terminal device.

  Design Points:

The service area of a working area can be estimated at 5-10m '. Each working area is set up with a telephone or computer terminal device, or set up according to user requirements.

Each information socket in the working area shall support the settings and installations of terminal devices such as telephone, data terminal, computer, and television monitor. The subsystems of the work area include calls, writing rooms, work rooms, and technical rooms.

The selection of the working area adapter should meet the following requirements:

When using a connector of different information sockets at the device connector, you can use a special cable or adapter.

When the ISDN business is opened on a single information socket, the application network terminal adapter is applied.

When the cable (medium) selected in the wiring (horizontal) subsystem is different from the cable (medium) required by the device, an adapter should be used.

When connected to the corresponding devices such as digital modulus conversion or data rate conversion of different signals, adapters should be used.

For the compatibility of network regulations, it can be matched with appropriate accessories.

According to different telecommunications terminal devices in the working area, they can be equipped with corresponding terminal adapters.