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copper workout

Time:2022-08-16 Views:

    The copper ore mined from the copper ore is processed into copper concentrate or copper ore with higher copper content after beneficiation.

    At present, there are two main ways to exercise copper: fire exercise and wet exercise (SX-EX)

    1. Fire method:

    Cathode copper is produced by melting tempering and electrolytic refining, that is, electrolytic copper, which is generally suitable for high-grade copper sulfide ore.

     In addition to copper concentrate, copper scrap is one of the main raw materials for refining copper, including old copper scrap and new copper scrap. Old scrap copper comes from old equipment and machines, abandoned buildings and underground pipes; new scrap copper comes from processing The copper scraps discarded by the factory (the output ratio of copper materials is about 50%), generally the supply of scrap copper is relatively stable. The scrap copper can be divided into: bare copper: the grade is above 90%; yellow copper (wire): containing Copper material (old motors, circuit boards); copper produced from scrap copper and other similar materials, also known as recycled copper.

    2. Wet method:

    A boat is suitable for low-grade copper oxide, and the refined copper produced is called electro-deposited copper.

     3. Characteristics of both fire and wet processes

    Comparing the two copper production processes of fire method and wet method, they have the following characteristics:

    (1) The latter exercise equipment is simpler, but the impurity content is higher, which is a beneficial supplement to the former.

    (2) The latter has limitations and is subject to the grade and type of ore.

    (3) The cost of the former is about 70-80 cents / pound (about 1540-1760 US dollars / ton), and the latter is only 30-40 cents / pound (about 660-880 US dollars / ton).